Available courses
- Scheduled lecture once a week
- Hospital/Clinic rotation (100 hours)
- Written exam every after module rotation
- Final examination: PowerPoint presentation on hand-picked topics
- Always wear your I.D. & Blazers with PAAAMMI patch inside the classroom
- You cannot be a member of any other organizations as long as you are training with us.
- If the need arises & you cannot attend your scheduled class, pls. inform the Secretariat & send a letter of explanation.
- The PAAAMMI training protocols/ strategies cannot be divulge to any other organizations
- We cannot refund payments if you will not continue your training program
- Certificate of training /Diplomate certificate will not be issued upon completion of payment
- Misbehaviour/Miscounduct
- Failure to comply with all regulations pertaining to the modular training
- Teacher: Maria Ellery Mendez
- Teacher: Maria Ellery Mendez
- Scheduled lecture once a week
- Hospital/Clinic rotation (100 hours)
- Written exam every after module rotation
- Final examination: PowerPoint presentation on hand-picked topics
- Always wear your I.D. & Blazers with PAAAMMI patch inside the classroom
- You cannot be a member of any other organizations as long as you are training with us.
- If the need arises & you cannot attend your scheduled class, pls. inform the Secretariat & send a letter of explanation.
- The PAAAMMI training protocols/ strategies cannot be divulge to any other organizations
- We cannot refund payments if you will not continue your training program
- Certificate of training /Diplomate certificate will not be issued upon completion of payment
- Misbehaviour/Miscounduct
- Failure to comply with all regulations pertaining to the modular training
- Scheduled lecture once a week
- Hospital/Clinic rotation (100 hours)
- Written exam every after module rotation
- Final examination: PowerPoint presentation on hand-picked topics
- Always wear your I.D. & Blazers with PAAAMMI patch inside the classroom
- You cannot be a member of any other organizations as long as you are training with us.
- If the need arises & you cannot attend your scheduled class, pls. inform the Secretariat & send a letter of explanation.
- The PAAAMMI training protocols/ strategies cannot be divulge to any other organizations
- We cannot refund payments if you will not continue your training program
- Certificate of training /Diplomate certificate will not be issued upon completion of payment
- Misbehaviour/Miscounduct
- Failure to comply with all regulations pertaining to the modular training

- Teacher: Maria Ellery Mendez
- Teacher: Maria Ellery Mendez
- To make available life-extending information about the benefits of Anti-Aging therapeutics to practicing physicians
- To assist in developing therapeutic protocols and innovative diagnostic tools to aid in the implementation of effective Anti-Aging treatments
- To provide continuing medical education and training for interested physicians in Anti-Aging and regenerative medical sciences

- To make available life-extending information about the benefits of Anti-Aging therapeutics to practicing physicians
- To assist in developing therapeutic protocols and innovative diagnostic tools to aid in the implementation of effective Anti-Aging treatments
- To provide continuing medical education and training for interested physicians in Anti-Aging and regenerative medical sciences

- To make available life-extending information about the benefits of Anti-Aging therapeutics to practicing physicians
- To assist in developing therapeutic protocols and innovative diagnostic tools to aid in the implementation of effective Anti-Aging treatments
- To provide continuing medical education and training for interested physicians in Anti-Aging and regenerative medical sciences